I’d Like To Thank the Academy for This Award…

No, really.  I was nominated for an award.

And to quote Sally Field: “…and I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!”  🙂  Seriously, this honestly tickles me. This is the first award I have ever received on any of my blogs!

That said, I must thank Michele, the sweet red-head over at Old Dog New Tits (aka ODNT), for nominating me for the Sunshine Award!

This award does come with its own set of responsibilities, and like the recipients before me, I will hold up my end of the bargain!  🙂

Here are the rules for this award:

1) Include the award logo in a post or in your blog.
2) Answer 10 questions about yourself.
3) Nominate 10 to 12 other fabulous bloggers.
4) Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog to let them know they are nominated.
5) Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

Ok, so here are the ten questions about me and my very own answers:

Favorite Color: any and all shades of purple.

Favorite Number: I don’t really have one, altho 12 is a recurring theme around our house. 🙂

Favorite Animal: Dogs. (Not that the seven I have at the house would be ANY indication of this.)

Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink: In cooler months? Coffee.  In warmer months? Unsweetened iced tea, preferably brewed in the sun, with fresh mint.

Facebook or Twitter: A little of both. I can’t FB at the day job, but I can Tweet, so I am getting a lot more Twitter-savy, and will play/work on both in the studio.

My Passion: Aside from the obvious (my family), I would say photography and writing.

Giving or Receiving Gifts: Both. There is nothing better than finding THE perfect gift for someone you care about, except, maybe getting a gift that you have really been drooling over and didn’t expect. 🙂

Favorite Pattern: Oh, how I would LOVE to say hounds tooth, because it just sounds SO cool, but nobody likes a liar, unless we’re talking how big my butt looks in these jeans. I don’t think I have a favorite pattern. I will when they make the work week 2 on, 5 off, 2 on, 5 off. THAT would be a great pattern that could easily become my favorite.  (Yeah, yeah, I know…Jules? Ramble much?)

Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday! The work week is behind you, and the following day is still weekend.

Favorite Flower: Lilies.

And now for my nominees:  (in no particular order)

Funny or Snot

Bad Luck Detective

I Am Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom

I’ve Been There, Claire

There is a Squirrel in my Blog

Crocus Hearts Coffee

The Weed

The Animated Woman

Random MOM-ments

Stories I Have Known & Loved

Old Tweener

The Bloggess

Some of these folks are people from my day to day life, and others are new friends I have met by way of this wonderful blogosphere.  I hope you all will stop by and visit them and tell them hello.

I am off to let them all know that I’ve nominated them!

Till Next Time…

About Julie the Workaholic

Mom of three (grown) sons and one (grown) step-daughter, wife of one, friend of many, and owned by seven 4-legged critters, writer, photographer, friend, huge fan of life, and most of all, lover of all things beautiful .….Getting healthy, and hoping to make a dent in the world in a most positive way! (And then there's my alter-ego, the Workaholic, who is me, just unfiltered.)
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16 Responses to I’d Like To Thank the Academy for This Award…

  1. Sherri says:

    Thank you! What a nice surprise…

  2. Rea Ball says:

    Wow…what an incredible honor!! And you totally deserve it too!

    And then to nominate me as well…well, I’m at a loss for words! lol Thanks, I’ll be working on this later 🙂

  3. CONGRATS and WELL DESERVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Well deserves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Claire Lopez says:

    ppssssstttttt…nominated you back….I couldn’t help myself……but I don’t think you need to do another post. 😉 http://bit.ly/HlLlCH

  6. joyful2bee says:

    Oh, when do we find out who was chosen???? Can’t wait!

  7. joyful2bee says:

    Julie!! Thank you so much!! I am loving writing as much as I love photography. This is so awesome for you!! Yea, Julie!!! Hugs and big smoochie

  8. theanimatedwoman says:

    Congratulations! And thank-you so much for nominating me – I’m swamped at the moment but as soon as I have time I’ll try to get to it.

    Seven dogs is lucky!

Talk to me!